Regular home cleaning (including carpet cleaning), ensuring cleanliness is an essential element to maintaining good human (and pet), health. Household cleaning is no less important than personal hygiene, in fact they are BOTH vital for BOTH physical and mental health. NOTE: head to YouTube and watch ‘HOARDERS’, the American reality TV series; for some extreme examples.
Living environments that are not sufficiently cleaned attract the buildup of allergens, pathogens, mould-spores and vermin, that can lead to common allergies, allergic reactions and increase the risk of far more serious health consequences.
However, in most Australian homes it’s ALLERGENS that cause most illness. Dust mites, animal dander, pollen and mould/fungi spores are the common causes of allergens in our homes. Pets, especially cats, dogs and horses (if kept indoors), are all major sources of allergens in homes. These allergens are responsible for many illnesses and allergies, causing mild to severe allergic reactions in individuals that are hypersensitive. Allergic rhinitis, lethargic, stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, itchy skin, eczema, asthma, sinusitis and middle ear infections are some of the most common symptoms.
We can dramatically reduce the negative health effects from household allergens for our families and house guests with regular cleaning routines, achieved through a combination of light regular cleaning and DEEP CLEANING, i.e., carpet vacuuming (light cleaning), carpet steam cleaning (deep cleaning).
The dust and allergens that can trigger allergies and allergic reactions can be found throughput our homes, including on hard surfaces, but beds, bedding, mattresses, carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture (sofas, armchairs), drapes and soft furnishings are the biggest collection points. These furnishings should always be focal points for both LIGHT and DEEP cleaning.
1/ Regular vacuuming of carpets, upholstery, mattresses and all soft furnishings where possible is a very important part of home allergen removal and control.
2/ Use vacuum cleaners fitted with *HEPA (high efficiency particulate air), filters, they are very efficient at REMOVING (not recirculating back into the room), dust particles and allergens. Non-HEPA filters tend to actually exacerbate the problem by causing them to become airborne, ensuring further distribution.
*HEPA filters have been proven to capture at least 99.97% of particulate matter (PM), as small as 0.3 microns (most allergens found in homes are 0.3 microns or bigger). Not all filters claiming to be HEPA filters are TRUE HEPA filters (do your research).
3/ Regular dusting or dust removal is another important light cleaning task. Try to replace dry dusting with ‘damp cloth’ cleaning wherever possible. DRY dusting results in wider allergen distribution through the particular matter becoming airborne (never clean any live electrical appliances with wet clothes or wet hands).
4/ Don’t forget to clean hard surfaces too. Vacuum and wet-mop hard floors instead of sweeping. Vacuuming is far more efficient than sweeping. Floor sweeping results in wider allergen distribution through the particular matter becoming airborne. Hard floor wet-mopping and washing/wiping down hard surfaces were possible and will greatly aid home allergen control.
5/ HOT WASH bedding (including washable pillows), and soft toys regularly (water temperature above 55 degrees Celsius or 131 degrees Fahrenheit), and use a hot dryer cycle to dry them.
Bedrooms are arguably the most important areas in the home to keep clean and allergen free. Good sleep is vital to good health and well-being. Fortunately, bedrooms are often easier to clean and maintain.
Bedrooms are arguably the most important areas in the home to keep clean and allergen free. Good sleep is vital to good health and well-being. Fortunately, bedrooms are often easier to clean and maintain.
MAKE YOUR BEDROOMS SAFE HAVENS: No pets (including horses), No food and drinks, no shoes, keep clutter to a minimum, keep bedroom doors closed, Close windows on windy days, Close windows on high pollen days, Control humidity with a humidifier or A/C, Vacuum mattresses regularly, invest in a quality air-purifier, Clean and remove any mould growth
EcoPro Local Cairns Carpet Cleaning Service from just $30.00 per room 0451 160 460
Local Cairns Owner Operator (not an agency)